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    The place for reviews & discussion on Multi Tools, Swiss Army Knives, Outdoor Gear, EDC and more for over TEN years.
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    Learn & discuss tools from both Swiss Army manufacturers: Victorinox & Wenger! Read More
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Roxon Flex Pre-Order is live

Roxon Flex Pre-Order is live

Roxon Flex multitool pre-order is now live. The tool/pliers are $40 with individual tools running $4-8. Someone could get the Read More
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Vault Co Large Case w/ Super Pack

Vault Co Large Case w/ Super Pack

A lot of us have a ton of gear but rarely have a good way of storing them. For a Read More
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Limited edition Swiss Army Knives for the holidays

Limited edition Swiss Army Knives for the holidays

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David Bowen

David Bowen

As Co Founder of Multitool.org David has been a multitool enthusaist since the 90's.  David has always been fascinated with the design inginuity and uselfulness of multitools.

David is always looking forward to what's new in the industry and how the humble multitool continues to evolve as it radically changes and improves the lives of users.

Friday, 02 February 2024 06:14

Rive Recon and Striker

Rive is a fairly new company that gained a bit of popularity with their Rogue Mini. The Mini is a small folder that is offered in limited quantities and the companies first release. This knife tested the waters and showed this team that the community was very interested. Rive went all in, announcing the Recon and the Striker late last year. The Recon being a new folder and the Striker a multipurpose pry tool.


Friday, 02 February 2024 01:02

Vosteed Chipmunk

The people at Vosteed are always busy releasing new products. Although it may seem like they release something new every month, I know this is an exaggeration. During the Christmas season, I received a package from Vosteed that contained a variety of items, including a new knife called the Chipmunk.


Saturday, 13 January 2024 23:22

Sharpworx Utility Sharpener

Man has been sharpening knives ever since he could fashion them. The jump from obsidian blades to metal was pivotal in our growth as a species, without it, we'd literally be stuck in the Stone Age. With the constant upgrades in steel composition, and edge holding ability, we still need to sharpen them. Sharpening has largely stayed the same over the centuries, we've merely created gadgets to aid those of us who lack this age-old talent.

One of these gadgets is an interesting take on a guided sharpener. Mark from Sharpworx created a system that mimics the motions you make when you sharpen by hand. His system has many models, but today we are taking a look at his Utility Sharpener.

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Saturday, 13 January 2024 22:18

Leatherman Arc

There are a few players in the multitool market, but only one is synonymous with the product. It's hard to deny the juggernaut that is Leatherman. They just celebrated their 40th anniversary and they have no intention of slowing down. Just before this anniversary, new information emerged about a tool Leatherman was developing. Dubbed the Arc, it had a lot of features we grew to love on the FREE series. What really excited people was the fact that it solved a lot of issues people had with the FREE series and said to have a Magnacut blade.

These rumors and speculations fueled heated discussions, and anticipation of a product that some thought was a pipedream. I can't think of a single tool since I've become a fan that has created this much hype and anticipation. If this tool became a reality, it would fix the shortcomings of the toolset on the FREE series. Also, it would solidify Leatherman as the innovator that it is, a testament to its leadership in the industry. As their anniversary came around, they announced a limited-edition tool, which for all purposes was an Arc with a different coat of paint.

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Saturday, 13 January 2024 22:13

Vosteed Griffin

The guys at Vosteed have once again collaborated with R.S. Knifeworks (Rob Saniscalchi)’s to bring a design of his to the masses. Dubbed the Griffin, it features a hawkbill that's 3.49" and made from the 14C28N. The blade shape (hawkbill) is great for draw cuts, breaking down cardboard, and anything that would require a slashing motion. Because of its curved belly, it's even great for things like stripping wires or horticulture.

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Sunday, 31 December 2023 13:03

Vosteed Mink

For the last year and a half Vosteed has been making waves in the knife industry. It's a difficult market to get into, and another to produce amazing designs that continue to get recognition. The company has mainly been a folding knife manufacturer, with some successful production of kitchen knives. Vosteed has decided to shake things up yet again and produce their first fixed blade.

Dubbed the Mink, this versatile blade is good for everything from daily tasks, camping, and even dressing game. When it comes to fixed blades, I've come to prefer something compact and easy to carry. Go too small and you lose some versatility, too large and it's not great for all situations. The Mink fits nicely in between those two sizes, with an overall of 7.3" and a blade length of 3.33", it's perfect for everyday carry.


Wednesday, 20 December 2023 10:08

Vosteed RSKAOS

Vosteed does a lot of in-house designs, Yue has a lot of talent and it's taken the company far in a short period of time. Most knife companies do collaborations, it's a great way for those companies to build relationships within the industry, and it allows consumers to enjoy designs that either unavailable or out of people's price range. The folks at Vosteed have teamed up with R.S. Knifeworks (Rob Saniscalchi) to bring his incredible design talent to create a breathtaking folder called Kaos.


Sunday, 03 December 2023 06:15

Horl 1993 Rolling Knife Sharpener

I tend to cover a lot of sharp things but rarely talk about things made to keep them sharp. On social media I've been bombarded by advertisements for a sharpening device by Tumblerware called a rolling knife sharpener. I thought it seemed strange, maybe even gimmicky compared to other systems I've used in the past. I started reading the comments in these posts to see what people thought. Mixed in with the comments was folks pointing out that this sharpener was a copycat, and they stole the ideal from a company called Horl.

Otmar Horl and his son Timo launched the first Horl sharpener in 2016 and in 2020 launched the Horl 2 collection. This collection includes accessories like additional stones, and a leather strop for refining the edge. The Horl rolling sharpening system consists of two parts, an angle guide that holds the blade in place for sharpening, and a double-sided cylinder that's rolled back and forth to hone the edge. The Horl 2 system has a diamond disc on one side and a ceramic disc on the other. The diamond disc is designed to fix your edge, while the ceramic one helps further refine the edge.


Sunday, 03 December 2023 09:45

BloodOath BeltWay

I've carried a knife on my person for over 25 years, before that I didn't see the need for one. I started with traditional knives, and migrated to the one-handed variety, preferably with a pocket clip. I have never carried a fixed blade, I've wanted to, but it was the form factor for me. Fixed blades were usually larger than pocketknives, and they were carried on the belt via a sheath. Over the years I've noticed that fixed blades are just as varied as pocketknives and can EDC friendly.

One fixed blade that caught my attention was the BeltWay by BloodOath Instruments. The BeltWay fits right in with the rest of their lineup and follows a similar design motif. The knife comes with a premium steel blade and a composite handle. It's the perfect size for an everyday carry knife, not too large that carry options are limited, and not too small that it limits functionality. I'm usually handle first when it comes to reviews, so much can be determined of a knife by how it feels in your hand. A good or bad handle can make or break a good knife, but today I'm deviating, and we're checking out the blade first.


Sunday, 19 November 2023 11:25

Vosteed Racoon WMK Exclusive

I've become quite the fan of Vosteed knives, whether it be the designs, price point, or customer service, they don't disappoint. The last few months things have seemed to really ramp up and, I'm finding it hard to keep track of all they have going on. The number of new knives and prototypes being shown are crazy. On top of those fresh designs, Vosteed does exclusive releases for White Mountain Knives.

White Mountain has been selling since 2005, their focus is to bring you low prices and excellent customer service. Vosteed worked with the retailer to create an exclusive version of their popular model the Racoon. The Racoon is an everyday carry knife that features a drop point style blade, with a button lock. What's changed, or improved with this exclusive model? Let's take a look.

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